Exam timetable and learner apps


2024-25 Exam Timetable (379 KB)

We updated the 2025 exam timetable on Monday 3 February. We’ve added an extra day which means that exams will now start on Friday 25 April instead of Monday 28 April. The finish date of Monday 2 June is unchanged and remains as a contingency day. Results Day will be Tuesday 5 August.

This update has affected the following exams and dates:

Change of exam day

We have changed the day and date of these exams:

Change of exam time

These exams remain on the same date but we have changed the exam times:

Exam apps

We are updating the exam apps and will publish them as soon as they are available.

The previous timetable was compressed in response to partners feedback – allowing learners more time to prepare for their exams following the late Easter holidays. This led to a rise in coincident and consecutive exams. We have listened to and share the concerns raised by schools, colleges, learners and parents/carers about this. This new timetable will ease pressure for many learners, giving them a better chance to perform to the best of their abilities on the day of their exam.

If you have any queries about the exam timetable, please speak to your school, college or training provider in the first instance.

Exam apps


Create a personal timetable, view your exam schedule, add notes, and add to other calendars.


Organise revision by creating your own study plan.

Personal timetable builder

Create your own timetable using our online version.

Build your own online timetable