PDA Managing Resources and Quality SCQF level 7

The PDA in Managing Resources and Quality at SCQF level 7 offers candidates the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills that they will need to manage operational resources safely and in accordance with quality standards.
Candidates have the opportunity to enhance their managerial skills and apply them to their own work situations. The PDA enables candidates to carry out managerial work more effectively, which is not only to their benefit, but also for the organisation they work for.
This qualification is available through colleges and is jointly certificated by SQA and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).
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Why deliver this qualification
The PDA in Managing Resources and Quality meets the employment needs of line managers with responsibility for operations management or related areas such as process management.
It will be of particular value to candidates who are involved, or hope to be involved, with managing operational processes. This PDA is ideal for first line managers with responsibility for operations management or related areas such as process management or those aspiring to this type of role. Typical job roles could include: supervisor or team leader, eg in the manufacturing sector; production line manager; service manager; or process manager.
Who does this qualification suit
The PDA in Managing Resources and Quality is suitable for candidates with some experience of a management role or with a reasonable expectation of entering a management position such as:
- adult returners to education
- candidates in employment who wish to enhance their career prospects
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. It would, however, be beneficial if candidates had good written and oral communication skills. Candidates are also likely to have some relevant work experience.
Different combinations of relevant National Qualifications, vocational qualifications and equivalent qualifications from other awarding bodies may also be acceptable.
A range of appropriate job roles for those achieving the PDA in Managing Resources and Quality at SCQF level 7 include:
supervisor or team leader, eg in manufacturing sector
- production line manager
- service manager
- process manager
Progression to HNC Management at SCQF level 7. Both Units are also part of HNC Management so candidates would have 4 of the 12 credits required for HNC.
Centres with devolved authority for approval should use their own internal approval process.
Centres without devolved authority require to come forward for approval and should contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements for technical/occupational competence as outlined in the Systems and Qualification Approval Guide.
How to assess
Ongoing Course assessment will apply. Each individual Unit specification gives detailed information on the Evidence Requirements and approaches to assessment for each Unit.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification Structure
Group Award code: G9CP 47 (32 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 7
The PDA in Managing Resources and Quality consists of two mandatory Units.
Mandatory Units
Manage Operational Resources — DV7X 34
Management of Quality — DW6G 34
Arrangements Documents
Any other information
For candidates where English is not their first language it is recommended that they possess English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) level 5 or a score of 5.5 in IELTS.
Support materials available for both Units.
This qualification is jointly certificated by SQA and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).