NC Applied Sciences SCQF level 6
This National Certificate (NC) has been developed not only to provide the core of the present access to higher education programmes, but also to provide a coherent qualification that is understood by industry as basic background knowledge to support competence in laboratory work at SVQ level 2/3.
Qualification structure
Group Award code: G90N 46 (72 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NC Applied Sciences at SCQF levels 5 and 6 (107 KB)
Candidates must achieve eight mandatory credits and four optional credits. Two of the three science areas (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) are to be selected. See the Arrangements document for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
How to assess
Assessment is a combination of end of Unit tests, end of Unit assessments and practical assignments. Assessment guidance is provided for each Unit. The Assessment Support Packs contain sample assessment materials.
The NC in Applied Science at SCQF level 6 contains practical laboratory Units. These should be taken into account if distance learning is proposed. Assessment requirements are included in Unit specifications.
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Understanding Standards
Understanding Standards documents have been developed for the following:
- Experimental Procedures: Science
To access the Understanding Standards documents, please visit the Understanding Standards website. This is a password-protected area of the website and login details can be obtained from the SQA Co-ordinator in centres approved to deliver the qualifications.
Changes to understanding standards materials
Please note: Understanding Standards materials are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain up to date.
Qualifications Support Team (QST) - Action Grids
- 3 December 2024 HN Science QST Minutes (139 KB)
- 2 September 2024 HN Science QST Minutes (134 KB)
- 17 May 2024 HN Science QST Minutes (157 KB)
- 27 February 2024 HN Science QST Minutes (145 KB)
- 4 December 2023 HN Science QST Minutes (143 KB)
Where can you take this course?
Why study this qualification
The NC in Applied Sciences at SCQF level 6 is designed for a wide range of candidates including:
- school leavers
- adult returners
- those employed in the science industry
The qualification is also suitable for candidates in S5 and S6, with science qualifications at SCQF level 5, who wish to progress to HN or gain entry to apprenticeship programmes. It also provides the base of a Science Access to University programme.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, admission to the NC in Applied Sciences should be based on a broad approach to candidate selection but, at the same time, should ensure that candidates are chosen who have the potential and ability to complete the qualification successfully.
Employment and progression
Successful completion of the NC in Applied Sciences at SCQF level 6 would enable a candidate to progress to an HNC Applied Science course. The SCQF level 6 qualification also provides the core of the Access programmes offered by colleges in Scotland. Each University and each degree programme has specific requirements for entry, and candidates following this route should seek appropriate guidance.
Qualification structure
Group Award code: G90N 46 (72 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 6
NC Applied Sciences at SCQF levels 5 and 6 (107 KB)
Candidates must achieve eight mandatory credits and four optional credits. Two of the three science areas (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) are to be selected. See the Arrangements document for the full list of mandatory and optional units.