NPA Computer Games Development SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6

National Progression Awards (NPAs) assess a defined set of skills and knowledge in specialist vocational areas, linked to National Occupational Standards. The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 introduces learners to skills that are important in the Computer Games industry.
These awards are revisions of the original NPA Computer Games Development, which was introduced in 2010.
The NPAs in Computer Games Development at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 introduce learners to the genres, trends and emerging technologies of the computer games industry. This suite of awards provides a foundation in techniques that are important to the sector, such as digital planning and design, creation of media assets, and development and testing — while also developing employability skills and Core Skills through enterprise activities.
This qualification covers core areas such as design, media assets and development. Coding is also an important part of this qualification. The award will improve learners' computational thinking skills — an area that is gaining recognition as a vital 21st century competence — and stimulate interest in computer science among young learners.
The qualification is available through schools, colleges and training providers.
Qualification structure
NPA Computer Games Development at SCQF levels 4, 5 & 6 Arrangements (335 KB)
Computer Games Development SCQF level 4
Group Award Code: GP02 44
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 4 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
Computer Games Development at SCQF level 5
Group Award Code: GP03 45
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 5 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
Computer Games Development at SCQF level 6
Group Award Code: GP04 46
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 6 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
How to assess
Evidence is required to demonstrate that learners have achieved all Outcomes to the standard specified in the Performance Criteria.
The evidence produced will take two forms:
- knowledge evidence
- product evidence
At level 4, the knowledge evidence is produced through a multiple-choice test included in the ASP. Learners will undertake a single test that will span the knowledge contained within the three component units. Successful completion of this test will satisfy the knowledge requirements for all three units. At levels 5 and 6, the knowledge evidence can be produced through a variety of ways (including oral), but each ASP provides opportunities for this evidence to be gathered.
Learners should build up a portfolio of practical evidence for assessment. The portfolio can be paper or electronic (digital), and learners can contribute material to it on an ongoing basis. It is essential that each learner identifies their own contribution to the task if working in a group, and that they provide evidence for their own portfolio. Assessors should assure themselves of the authenticity of candidates' evidence.
The delivery of the award is at the individual centre's discretion.
Qualification Verification Summary Report
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Why study this qualification
The NPA is suitable for:
- S3 and S4 school pupils, as part of a vocational education programme
- S5 and S6 school pupils, as a broadening of the Computing Science and Digital Media curriculum
- students at colleges who will be using the NPA within full-time or part-time college programmes, such as part of an NC in Digital Media Computing or an NC in Computer Games
Entry is at the discretion of the presenting centre. However, it would be beneficial to the learners if they possessed basic IT skills at the SCQF level below the course of intended study.
The NPA at Level 4 and Level 5 can be undertaken without previous experience of computer games development. It is recommended that learners have some prior knowledge and experience of computer games development before attempting the Level 6 award.
Employment and progression
The level 4 award could provide progression to:
- NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 5
- NC in Digital Media Computing at SCQF level 5
- NPA in Computer Networks and Systems at SCQF level 5
- NPA in Computers and Digital Photography at SCQF level 5
- NPA in Digital Media Animation at SCQF level 5
- NPA in Digital Media Editing at SCQF level 5
- NPA in Website Enterprise at SCQF level 5
The level 5 award could provide progression to:
- NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 6
- NC in Digital Media Computing at SCQF level 6
- NPA in Digital Media Production at SCQF level 6
Learners may progress to HN Units and/or awards in Computing at SCQF level 7 or above, following the progression pathways within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework.
Qualification structure
NPA Computer Games Development at SCQF levels 4, 5 & 6 Arrangements (335 KB)
Computer Games Development SCQF level 4
Group Award Code: GP02 44
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 4 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
Computer Games Development at SCQF level 5
Group Award Code: GP03 45
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 5 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
Computer Games Development at SCQF level 6
Group Award Code: GP04 46
The NPA in Computer Games Development at SCQF level 6 consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).