HND Environmental Management and Sustainability

The HND Environment Management and Sustainability develops candidates knowledge, understanding and skills in relevant sciences and environmental sectors along with the ability to apply these in the protection and sustainable use of the environment and natural resources, preparing them for employment in an assistant, technical, or supervisory role in the environmental sector.
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Who does this qualification suit
The HND Environment Management and Sustainability will develop your knowledge, understanding and skills in relevant sciences and environmental sectors along with the ability to apply these in the protection and sustainable use of the environment and natural resources, preparing you for employment in an assistant, technical, or supervisory role in the environmental sector.
You will learn about minimising impacts on the environment, and managing the environment in a sustainable manner. Optional units will allow you to specialise in Environmental Protection, focusing on understanding environmental issues and impacts and developing the necessary skills in environmental monitoring, or Sustainable Environmental Management, looking at the human-environment interactions, understanding the impacts and learning how to manage the environment in a sustainable manner.
You will increase your awareness and understanding of key environmental issues, and develop a sound understanding of the principles of sustainable development and environmental management. You will understand the relevance of environmental science and management principles, environmental impacts and ways of managing and minimising those impacts.
You will cover areas such as land use options, environmental issues and impacts, sustainability and environmental management, relevant legislation, policy and health and safety issues. You will explore these issues in both a classroom context and by using real-life case studies and frequent site visits.
This will build a strong theoretical and applied foundation, and enable you to take a flexible and holistic approach to issues. You will also have the opportunity to develop planning, analysis, synthesis, study and research skills.
Where can you take this course?
Group Award Specification
Related Information
- A guide to HNs (406 KB)
- HN Catalogue (2.03 MB)
- Changes to unit/group award and frameworks
- HN Annual Update (362 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)
- Updated conditions of assessment for HN Graded Units - August 2018 (49 KB)