HNC Agriculture

The HNC Agriculture develops candidate's practical and Core Skills, and builds competence and understanding in the areas of applied science and technology, business management, economic policy and the environment.
Some of these will be studied in both a national and global context and the emphasis throughout is on agriculture as a multifunctional industry.
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Who does this qualification suit
The HNC Agriculture develops practical and Core Skills, and builds your competence and understanding in the areas of applied science and technology, business management, economic policy and the environment.
Some of these will be studied in both a national and global context and the emphasis throughout is on agriculture as a multifunctional industry.
You will gain skills and knowledge in crop production, animal production and mechanisation in an integrative manner and to develop the ability to complete and maintain appropriate records and documents. You will also be made aware of relevant health and safety, animal welfare and environmental issues.
Where can you take this course?
Arrangements Documents
Related Information
- A guide to HNs (406 KB)
- HN Catalogue (2.03 MB)
- Changes to unit/group award and frameworks
- HN Annual Update (362 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)
- Updated conditions of assessment for HN Graded Units - August 2018 (49 KB)