HND Agricultural Science

This qualification has been withdrawn and will finish on 31/07/2025

The HND Agricultural Science aims to develop candidates' knowledge, understanding and skills in the science underpinning and supporting the agricultural industry, together with an understanding of the economic, environmental and ethical context in which the agricultural sector operates.

It will prepare candidates for degree-level studies or for employment at technical or supervisory level in this sector.

The HND Agricultural Science aims to develop candidates' knowledge, understanding and skills in the science underpinning and supporting the agricultural industry, together with an understanding of the economic, environmental and ethical context in which the agricultural sector operates. It will prepare candidates for degree-level studies or for employment at technical or supervisory level in this sector.

You will have the opportunity to develop: 

  • a wide range of practical, laboratory, scientific and technical skills, and an awareness of safe working practices, health and safety issues and business management
  • knowledge and understanding of the biological and physical sciences of relevance to the agricultural industry;  the applications of scientific principles and techniques; crop and livestock production systems, their management and the economic, environmental, regulatory and animal welfare issues that influence these sectors
  • an element of vocational specialisation in an area such as farm-scale renewable energy generation, wildlife management or the quality and processing of agricultural produce