PDA Office Administration SCQF level 7

The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Office Administration at SCQF level 7 delivers the essential skills and knowledge for a range of administrative roles. This makes it suitable CPD for those in administrative roles or for anyone seeking to enter this area. Content includes office systems and procedures, legislation, office technologies, communication, planning and interpersonal skills.
This qualification is available through colleges.
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Why deliver this qualification
The PDA in Office Administration can be delivered flexibly through open learning. Assessment methods are not prescribed so there is flexibility in when and how the evidence is gathered.
The PDA in Office Administration at SCQF level 7 provides an opportunity for candidates to progress to the full HNC in Office Administration carrying forward the credit they have achieved.
Who does this qualification suit
The PDA in Office Administration at SCQF level 7 is suitable for a wide range of candidates including:
candidates employed within an administration role who wish to enhance their career prospects
candidates in employment seeking a vehicle for continuing professional development
adult returners to education
Access to the PDA is at the discretion of the centre. In general, entry should be open to any candidate who can demonstrate, by formal qualification or
experience, a reasonable expectation of successfully completing the PDA.
Examples of formal qualifications include:
Communication Core Skill at SCQF level 5 or equivalent
Working with Others Core Skill at SCQF level 5
ICT Core Skill at SCQF level 4
SVQ Business and Administration level 2
Candidates could progress to:
- HNC Administration and Information Technology
- HNC Business
Centres with devolved authority are eligible to seek approval through their own internal approval process.
Centres without devolved authority will have to come forward for approval and should contact the Business Development Team for guidance.
Assessors and verifiers must be able to meet SQA's general requirements as outlined in the guide to approval.
How to assess
Assessment methods are flexible and open to the needs to centres and candidates. See the Arrangements document for more information.
Where can you take this course?
Arrangements Documents
Unit(s) and delivery tools
Group Award code: GA11 47 (32 SCQF credit points)
SCQF level: 7
The PDA in Office Administration at SCQF level 7 consists of four mandatory Units.
Mandatory Units
Office Administration — F7JA 34
Digital Technologies for Administrators — HH82 34
Personal Development Planning — DE3R 34
Communication: Business Communication — H7TK 34