NC Administration SCQF level 5

This National Certificate (NC) develops basic skills in administration. It focuses on developing practical activities that support administrative services, such as using a range of software applications.
The course also aims to develop communications skills, planning and organisational and time management skills.
This qualification is available through schools and colleges.
National Certificates are designed for full-time delivery over one year or part-time over two years (including evening provision). Many are suitable for open and distance learning and may also be offered as January-start access to HN courses.
Qualification structure
Group award code: GR7W 45 (72 SCQF credit points)
This group award will be available from 1 August 2021.
SCQF level: 5
This National Certificate consists of 10 mandatory units (60 SCQF credit points) and 2 optional units (12 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Word Processing - J4YR 45
- Front of Office Skills - J4YS 45
- Practical Office Skills and Technologies - J4YT 45
- Managing Your Time, Resources and Wellbeing - J4YV 45
- Processing Business Documents - J4YW 45
- Researching and Preparing Presentations - J4YX 45
- Event Organisation - F5A3 11
- Spreadsheets for Administrators - J505 45
- Database for Administrators - J507 45
- Communication - F3GB 11
- Literacy - H23W 75
See the group award specification (392 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.
How to assess
This NC is assessed through a series of practical and theoretical assessments or tasks. Some assessments will be carried out under supervised open-book conditions, others under supervised closed-book conditions.
Each unit is assessed separately.
Each unit requires the candidate to produce evidence. This could be written and/or oral work or practical or performance evidence.
Assessment support packs are available for all mandatory units and some optional units. These can be found on SQA's secure website.
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Why study this qualification
The NC in Administration is designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- learners who have just left school
- adults returning to education
- those who are looking to access HN programmes
- candidates whose first language is not English
You will develop key skills and underpinning knowledge required to provide administrative support services within a modern office environment.
It focuses on the skills required by employers to work in the admin area, such as proficient use of IT and communications software, good planning and organisation skills, being able to work as an individual and as a member of a team. You will also develop your self-awareness in timekeeping and being able to prioritise tasks as required.
Entry is at the discretion of the centre.
No prior qualifications are required to undertake this qualification, although experience of IT software packages and basic communication and numeracy would be an advantage.
Employment and progression
You could use this level 5 award to progress to:
- an HNC/HND in Administration or related area
- an SVQ in the Business and Administration sector
- employment in the Administration sector
Qualification structure
Group award code: GR7W 45 (72 SCQF credit points)
This group award will be available from 1 August 2021.
SCQF level: 5
This National Certificate consists of 10 mandatory units (60 SCQF credit points) and 2 optional units (12 SCQF credit points).
Mandatory units include:
- Word Processing - J4YR 45
- Front of Office Skills - J4YS 45
- Practical Office Skills and Technologies - J4YT 45
- Managing Your Time, Resources and Wellbeing - J4YV 45
- Processing Business Documents - J4YW 45
- Researching and Preparing Presentations - J4YX 45
- Event Organisation - F5A3 11
- Spreadsheets for Administrators - J505 45
- Database for Administrators - J507 45
- Communication - F3GB 11
- Literacy - H23W 75
See the group award specification (392 KB) for the full list of mandatory and optional units.