Child Protection
In recognition of the important role that SQA can play in safeguarding the welfare of our candidates, we have been working with external stakeholders to establish a policy and associated procedures for Child Protection. The procedures outline the processes to be adopted if:
- concerns about a candidate's welfare or wellbeing are raised with a member of SQA staff and/or one of our appointees
- a complaint related to a candidate's welfare or wellbeing is raised against a member of our staff and/or one of our appointees
There are also procedures to ensure that SQA materials and assessments are appropriate in terms of text and language etc and that the overall Child Protection Policy and Procedures are annually reviewed.
We are currently finalising the policy but procedures are now operational, should a Child Protection issue relating to any of the above arise within your centre, please immediately call SQA’s Child and Adult Protection Team on 0345 213 6587 (out with office hours you should email Child and Adult Protection Team). Please provide your name, contact telephone number, name of centre and brief nature of concern.