Exam timetable and learner apps

Timetable 2025

2024-25 Exam Timetable (373 KB) updated 3 February 2025

  • Exams start on Friday 25 April.
  • They finish on Monday 2 June.
  • Results day is Tuesday 5 August.

If you have any queries about the exam timetable, please speak to your school, college or training provider in the first instance.

Personal timetable builder

Create your own timetable using our online version.

Build your own online timetable

Exam apps

Our MyExams app has been updated with the timetable changes made on Monday 3 February.

Important for learners whose exams have changed

  • MyStudyPlan users: If you imported exams before the update, remove them in the Subjects window (tap the edit icon in the top right, then the red icon next to each exam). After that, re-import from MyExams to get the new dates.
  • Calendar users: If you exported exams to your calendar before the MyExams update, delete those entries and repeat the export again to ensure your dates are correct.
  • If you are still seeing old exam dates on the MyExams app, check the app troubleshooting section below.

Tap the edit icon on the top right of the Subjects screen in MyStudyPlanTap the circle icon next to each subject to remove it from the list, then tap the tick icon on the top right of the screen to confirm the changes.Once you have cleared the old exams, tap the add icon on the bottom right of the screen, then tap 'Import from MyExams' to add the new exams to MyStudyPlan

