Get marked exam papers back
The access to marked exam papers trial has closed.
We are now gathering feedback on the trial to help us evaluate it, assess how it worked in practice and shape any future service.
Practitioner survey
Our practitioner survey has been extended and will remain open until Friday 8 November. If you engaged with the trial (for example as an SQA co-ordinator or as a teacher of one of the subjects below), please share your experience with us. Even if you did not engage with the trial, you can provide your thoughts on how any future service should operate.
What subjects
The trial offered access to marked exam papers in the following subjects and levels:
- Geography - National 5 and Higher
- Graphic Communication - National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
- Media - National 5
- Music - National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
- Statistics - Advanced Higher
These subjects were chosen to give a variety of subject areas, marking instructions, and entry numbers for the trial.
Support and Enquiries
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Related Information
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Setting the Grade - SQA's awarding procedure (1.47 MB)
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)
- Authenticating learners work good practice advice (123 KB)