Access to marked exam papers

This year we are running a trial for schools and colleges to download copies of marked exam papers in five subjects.

A marked exam paper shows a learner’s written answers along with the marker’s notes and can be used to support appeals discussions.

This trial is available for learners who sat National Qualifications exams in the following subjects and levels:

  • Geography - National 5 and Higher
  • Graphic Communication - National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
  • Media - National 5
  • Music - National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
  • Statistics - Advanced Higher

The trial will open on Results Day, Tuesday 6 August, and will run until 27 September 2024. Learners will need to speak to their school or college to request a copy of their marked exam paper.

Once the trial has closed, we will contact all schools and colleges for feedback and gather information on how this service might be expanded in future to offer all exam papers.

The subjects chosen cover a range of subject areas, have different types of marking instructions, and vary in entry numbers.

The SQA co-ordinator at your school or college will be able to download your marked exam paper for you.

Yes, you need to give written permission to your school or college to access your marked exam paper for you.

Yes, there is a separate service for this. For more information, please visit Getting your coursework back from SQA.

No, once this year’s trial has closed, you will not be able to request a copy of your marked exam paper.