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SQA News 22 February 2024

Submission of digital files for coursework assessment - for centres presenting in Art and Design, Media, Music: Portfolio and Music Technology

Centres are required to submit audio visual and/or digital assessment materials to SQA on behalf of their candidates.  

Following on from the service offered last year, you will be able to submit digital files for the components listed below from Friday 1 March 2024. The Digital Coursework Submission service replaces the need for you to submit audio visual and/or digital assessment materials on a pen drive or CD. Please use this service for the submissions of digital files in 2024 unless you encounter problems with technology.   

* Please note that this applies to work that is impractical to view as a hard copy. The Digital Coursework Submission service can be used to submit final pieces and design solutions for moving image, animation, and website design. All candidates are still required to submit physical portfolios.  

** Please note that the planning and development stages must be submitted using the standard physical submission process.  

We will publish subject-specific information and a system user guide for the service on SQA Connect by Monday 26 February. Contact your SQA co-ordinator for access to these documents. 

You will still be required to complete and submit physical flyleafs and EX6 forms for all externally assessed coursework.   

If you have any questions about the submission of assessment materials for these subjects, please contact Script Management on 0345 213 6612 (option 2) or