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NextGen: HN news

Project evaluation update

Learner evaluation  

We are now into the second year of our learner evaluation activity. This year we will continue with the same approach as year one, which consisted of two rounds of engagement with learners taking a NextGen: HN qualification.  

Alongside the focus groups, we will introduce a learner survey to ensure all learners can share their experience.  Focus groups have almost doubled in year 2, as a number of new NextGen: HN qualifications have begun pilot delivery. The first focus group will take place earlier in the course, with the second taking place towards the end of the academic year.   

Round 1 of learner engagement for 2023 - 24 took place over six weeks, from late October to early December 2023, with a total of 60 focus groups being conducted. It was a collaborative effort, with support from qualification development subject teams; regional managers; policy and research managers; new product development managers (NPDMs) and heads of service.  

The learner survey was completed by 595 learners. We are currently in the process of analysing feedback from the focus groups and survey and interim key themes will be shared with key stakeholders by end January 2024.   

Practitioner Evaluation  

We have currently carried out 4 evaluation meetings with practitioners, with the remainder to take place over the coming weeks. All centres, apart from one, are in their second year of the HNC and are finding the delivery seamless in comparison to year one. They have used their experience gained in year one to make slight amendments to delivery and assessment.  

 The meta-skills and grading models have evolved over the last 18 months, and everyone appears more comfortable, stating that the learners understand them in the main.