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Accreditation Newsletter

Update to Workplace Core Skills Communications unit specifications and assessment support packs at levels 4, 5 and 6

We have updated the unit specification and assessment support packs for each of the following qualifications:


  1. Correct guidance on purpose in Task 1: Reading. The key phrase: ‘Worked out the purpose of the document’ was changed to ‘Understood the purpose of the document’.  Clear guidance was given on how learners’ understanding of ‘purpose’ in reading texts is assessed.
  2. Task 1: Reading assessment exemplar texts and learner responses were added that are clearly marked as guidance.
  3. Task 1: Reading evaluation. Clearer guidance of the kind of evaluation that learners must produce and the extent of this at the different levels.
  4. The addition of information clearly stating that all standards for summative assessment are found is assessment checklists and that all standards must be achieved. 
  5. Clearer guidance on how candidates show they have achieved the unit.
  6. Clearer guidance on gathering evidence
  7. The reading texts have been added for Task 1: Reading to the ASPs at levels 4, 5 and 6. They appear just before the exemplar reading reports written about them. 

The unit and assessment support pack for Workplace Core Skills (SCQF level 3) remain unchanged and existing awarding bodies offering Workplace Core Skills, should have started using the updated versions from 30 August 2023.

All the workplace core skills unit specifications and support packs are available on our website.

If any approved awarding body wishes to offer the Workplace Core Skills for the first time, they must submit an AC2 form to SQA Accreditation. Guidance for submission of an AC2 can be found on our website.