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NextGen: HN Pilot Centre Update

Pilot Centre Themed Conversation

We invite you to the third session in our ‘Pilot Centre Themed Conversations’ series of webinars, taking place on Wednesday 31 May at 3 - 4.30pm with a focus on Learning for Sustainability (LfS).  

The sessions are designed to focus on a particular area of NextGen: HN and allow pilot centres the chance to discuss their thoughts and experiences around embedding LfS within their qualifications. 

In line with Scottish Government recommendations SQA has committed to identifying opportunities for developing the skills, knowledge, understanding, and values of Learning for Sustainability within all new and revised qualifications.

The introduction of an LfS as a design principle for the NextGen: HND was developed to equip learners with a general understanding of sustainability and subject-specific sustainability alongside the confidence to apply the knowledge, skills, and values developed throughout their qualification to their next stage. This session will be held on MS Teams and will be led by SQA alongside representatives from pilot centres. However, most of the session will be committed to open discussion with, and between, pilot centres. 

You can sign up for the event through our Event Booking System.  

If you have not used the system before, you will need to register as a new user.  

If you have any enquiries, please call our Events team on 0345 213 5580 or email