NPA Digital Literacies SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6

These National Progression Awards (NPAs) introduce learners to important digital literacy skills and techniques including accessing, processing and analysing online information, social media and networks. They develop:
- knowledge and understanding of digital literacies
- practical, technical and transferable skills such as setting up networks
- online safety and netiquette
- opportunities to collaborate with others to create and evaluate digital resources for a range of purposes
They cover digital literacy theories as well as the practical abilities that will allow learners to become confident users of digital technologies. Learners will develop skills and capacities of digital citizenship as safe, legal, and ethical users of a range of online communication and productivity tools.
NPAs can be delivered flexibly over one academic year or a longer period.
These qualifications are available through schools, colleges and training providers.
- They provide bite-sized chunks of learning that are straightforward for centres to adopt and for learners to study
- They enable employees to gain new skills quickly and cost effectively
- They provide centres with opportunities to work in partnership with employers / other centres
Qualification structure
Group award codes: GT75 44, GT76 45 and GT77 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF levels: 4, 5 and 6
These National Progression Awards consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
The mandatory units are: Information Literacy, Network Literacy and Social Media Literacy.
Group Award Specification (362 KB)
How to assess
Assessment will be a combination of practical and knowledge assessments under closed- and open-book assessment conditions. See the assessment and evidence requirements for each unit.
E-assessment support is available for units in this qualification.
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Why study this qualification
The NPAs in Digital Literacies are designed for a wide range of learners, including:
- learners who are at school or who have just left school
- learners in or returning to further education
- workers looking to improve their digital literacy skills and obtain a formal national qualification
- learners wishing to progress to NC or HN programmes
- learners who want to study at a pace and style that they determine
- employees who want to develop their careers by learning new skills
- employers who wish their employees to take part in short continuing professional development courses
Entry is at the discretion of the centre. However, for learners entering the SCQF level 4 award it is recommended that they have some basic IT skills.
Employment and progression
The NPAs will enable learners to develop a range of knowledge and skills that are fundamental to the development of digital literacies useful for employment and directly relevant to modern business operating methods.
The NPAs provide underpinning understanding of technologies used in a wide range of sectors. The qualifications are available at three levels (SCQF 4–6) and learners may progress through each level to expand their knowledge and understanding of digital information, networks and social media. They may also wish to progress to several other SQA qualifications in the field such as NC Computing with Digital Media at SCQF level 6.
A progression diagram is available in the group award specification.
Qualification structure
Group award codes: GT75 44, GT76 45 and GT77 46 (18 SCQF credit points)
SCQF levels: 4, 5 and 6
These National Progression Awards consists of three mandatory units (18 SCQF credit points).
The mandatory units are: Information Literacy, Network Literacy and Social Media Literacy.
Group Award Specification (362 KB)