FOI21/22 166 Your Exams 2022

Date published: 23/06/2022

FOI reference: 21/22 166

Date received: 31/03/2022

Date responded: 06/04/2022

Information requested

How many leaflets your exams 2022 were produced (BD8491). In addition what was the budget allocated to the production of this booklet, including printing, graphic design and time. Was it produced in other languages; if so, which ones, and how many copies.


Your Exams 2022 was produced in the following editions and quantities:

English (schools edition) – 155,000 copies

English (colleges edition) – 7,500 copies

Gaelic (schools edition) – 1,500 copies

  • The cost for printing all copies of Your Exams was £33,828 exclusive of VAT.
  • The cost of translating the English text into Gaelic was £476.82 exclusive of VAT.

Graphic design was carried out by SQA’s in-house Communications Directorate.

As required under Section 17 of FOISA, if we do not hold the information requested, we must advise you accordingly.

No information is held on time spent by staff working on Your Exams.