Scots Language Award SCQF level 3, 4, 5 and 6

The Scots Language Award provides opportunities for learners to study the history and development of the Scots language. It also helps learners develop their ability to understand Scots and communicate in the Scots language.
This Award is available at SCQF levels 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The following document gives an overview of the Scots Language Award, including entry requirements, content and progression:
- Scots Language Award overview (150 KB)
Use the tabs below to open each section individually. Alternatively you can show all the sections.
Why deliver this qualification
For those who use the language today, the study of Scots - including its history, development and contemporary use - will develop their ability to communicate, think critically and use their own language creatively. They will also gain a deeper insight into their own history and cultural heritage.
For those who do not already use the language, the study of Scots will enhance their understanding of how language works, and their ability to communicate and use language creatively. It will also enhance their understanding of Scotland's history, people and culture.
Who does this qualification suit
The Award may appeal to a wide range of learners who have an interest in language in general and/or a particular interest in the Scots Language, including:
- S3 - S6 pupils in secondary schools
- Students in Further Education establishments
- Adult learners
The Scottish Studies Award may provide progression to:
- English Courses or Units
- Modern LanguagesCourse or Units
- History Courses or Units
- the Scottish Studies Award or its Units
- training or employment
The Award will be auto-approved for secondary schools.
Centres with devolved authority may seek approval through their own internal approval process.
Centres that do not have devolved authority will need to come forward for approval and contact SQA's Business Development Team for guidance on completing the combined CA1/SA1 form.
Where can you take this course?
Qualification content and delivery tools
Information about the qualification(s)
Award Specification(s)
Information about delivery, assessment, quality assurance and support material
Qualification Verification Summary Reports
Unit Specifications
- Scots Language: History and Development level 3 Unit Specification (183 KB)
- Scots Language: Understanding and Communicating level 3 Unit Specification (183 KB)
- Scots Language: History and Development level 4 Unit Specification (182 KB)
- Scots Language: Understanding and Communicating level 4 Unit Specification (184 KB)
- Scots Language: History and Development level 5 Unit Specification (184 KB)
- Scots Language: Understanding and Communicating level 5 Unit Specification (183 KB)
- Scots Language: History and Development level 6 Unit Specification (184 KB)
- Scots Language: Understanding and Communicating level 6 Unit Specification (184 KB)
Award and Unit Support Notes
Award Support
Scots Language Award Support Notes levels 3-6 (702 KB)
Unit Support
Unit assessment support materials are available from our secure website. Teachers and lecturers can arrange access to these materials through their SQA Co-ordinator. The materials must be stored securely and treated as confidential.
Understanding Standards
- Webinar recording - Units (this webinar can be found on the SQA Secure Site. You can access this through your SQA Coordinator).
- Webinar recording - supplementary commentary and evidence packs (these materials can be found on the SQA Secure Site. You can access this through your SQA Coordinator).
- Examples of candidate evidence with commentaries
- Changes to published Understanding Standards materials
Please note: Understanding Standards materials are regularly reviewed to ensure they remains up to date.
Examples of candidate evidence and commentaries for unit assessment can be found on the SQA Secure Site. You can access these through your SQA Coordinator.
Scottish Studies and Scots Language blog
Visit our Scottish Studies and Scots Language blog
Keep up to date with issues, developments and events relating to the Scottish Studies and Scots Language Award
Related Information
- Awards from SQA (336 KB)
- Catalogue of National Qualifications (836 KB)
- Changes to Unit Specifications and Frameworks
- NQ Annual Update (406 KB)