Celebrating the achievements of care experienced young people

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Care experienced young people are among the tens of thousands of learners across Scotland who today received their results from SQA.

Care experienced young people are those who are currently, or have previously been in any form of care, including foster care, residential care, and kinship care.

SQA is a proud corporate parent, and has marked the achievements of these young people through a collaborative congratulatory video with messages from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, charities Who Cares? Scotland and MCR Pathways and SQA staff.

In her video message to care experienced learners, SQA Chief Executive, and Scotland’s Chief Examining Officer, Fiona Robertson, said, 'I want to wish you all our congratulations on what you have achieved. As dedicated corporate parents, everyone at SQA wants to show our pride and support to you today. Whatever the outcome has been, there is support and advice available to you to help you decide what’s next.

'Our learner hub is packed with information and resources and our Candidate Advice Line is open should you have any queries about your certificate. Take a moment to reflect on what you have achieved today. And well done!'

Jenny Gilruth MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, said, 'Congratulations to all students who are care experienced and received results today. Results Day is an opportunity to celebrate your achievements over the past year, and I know you’ve all worked really hard to get here. I hope today brings you the rewards you deserve, and I want to wish you the very best of luck as you plan for your next steps.'

As a proud corporate parent, SQA works closely with charities Who Cares? Scotland and MCR Pathways to help care experienced young people fulfil their potential and enjoy positive futures .

The Chief Executive of MCR Pathways, Sharon McIntyre commented, 'We here at MCR Pathways know just how nerve wracking this time of year is for students receiving their results. For us there is no wrong door - all results deserve recognition of young people's motivation, commitment and resilience. This is a time to truly appreciate the achievement of all. We would like to express a massive congratulations to all young people across Scotland!

'For the young people we support, on behalf of our mentors, Pathways Co-ordinators, and our MCR Pathways team - we stand by your side, privileged to see your accomplishments and forever proud of who you are - exceptional, inspiring and talented young people with a thriving future ahead of you.'

Louise Hunter, Chief Executive at Who Cares? Scotland said, 'On behalf of everyone at Who Cares? Scotland, congratulations on completing your studies this year. This is a significant moment and I hope you are able to take time to relax and reflect on the last year, before having to think about what comes next. You deserve it. Results Day can bring a mix of emotions, irrespective of your results. It’s not always easy knowing what the next step is and for most of us, it’s not something that becomes clear overnight.

'You might have a plan, and then change your mind (several times!), or you might have no idea what you want to do, or you don’t feel able to continue with the plan you had. All of that is ok, and is something a lot of people at your stage experience. The most important things to remember are that you don’t have to rush any decision, and you are not alone.'

If you would like to talk though your results with anyone from Who Cares? Scotland, you can call them on 0330 107 7540, email help@whocaresscotland.org, or find more information on their website.

If you would like to contact MCR Pathways, you can call them on 0141 221 0200, email info@mcrpathways.org, or find more information on their website.

Find out more about SQA’s corporate parenting commitment.